For Dogs

A Dog's Wish Come True

For dogs and dog lovers everywhere, a site with something for everyone.

Dogs make your life complete. A house without a dog is not a home, it's been said. How true that is when you are a dog lover.

All About Dogs

mia and betty on the stepsCurrently, we have two small dogs, pictured right. These are Mia (on the left) and Betty. You'll be able to read more about these two in their own articles.

This site is all about dogs in general, although looking into dog health is also important to the dog lovers who read this blog. To keep up the variety of doggy topics, I also look at some great dog toys you can buy, dog care and dog behavioural problems and solutions.

There are pieces on interesting and healthy canine cuisine, where I look at what is good to feed a dog and what is potentially not as well as ways to keep a dog in good health that are generally simple yet effective.

I also bring you some nice dog pictures taken by me (the author) of my dogs as well!

Listed on our Resources page are recommended products and ebooks gathered together from some of the best sources of products for dogs from around the world that may help you in understanding your dog better, getting the best out of your relationship, or simply just pampering your best friend!

FOOTNOTE: This website is dedicated to the memory of the most wonderful, special girl ever to have been a part of my life. Her name was Chelsea, she has her own page RIGHT HERE and that's her pictures in the header. She died on her eleventh birthday, 9th September, 2006.