Dog Behaviour

In general, dog behaviour can be a large and widespread subject to cover, but when broken down into smaller more digestible pieces, it is more easily presented.

In this section of the website, I'll look into the several aspects of how a dog behaves and why it does what it does when it does it and what for.

A Dog Mimics its Owner

dog behaviourIn general, a dog will behave well enough, often imitating the overall character of its owner and their emotional state.

If the owner is relatively emotionally balanced, stable and good natured, their dog will reflect that in the way it behaves. On the contrary, if the owner is not so well balanced, emotionally unstable and prone to bouts of anger, resentment and aggression, the dog will often mirror these traits.

The best of worlds is where the owner is a happy and generally contented person because their dog(s) will reflect that affability in the way they carry themselves in public and in private.

A common saying is,

″There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.″

This can be true in many situations and while exceptions to this rule can occur, most dogs will be well behaved as long as their owners and nice people that treat them well.

A great tip is to always encourage good behaviour with rewards such as dog treats and/or a loving pat on the head or a rub behind the ears. It is counter productive to shout at or punish your dog.

Dogs are far more likely to behave well if they are treated well, while they can behave badly if they're scared or are suffering abuse.

Dogs can become destructive or disruptive when they are left alone, especially for long periods of time. There is scientific proof that dogs experience human-like emotions such as love, anger and grief while they also display trust, have likes and dislikes, feel happy, and feel sad.


When you treat a dog well and with kindness, they will repay you by being loyal, friendly and well behaved.

A good dog is a joy to spend time with out in public because there is no fear they will cause you or anyone else any problems. You can just get on with enjoying your pet just as things should be.

I have included a selection of articles that disseminate this huge topic for your convenience below with clickable titles.