Barking Dogs

Let's talk about barking dogs and how a dog constantly barking can be a nuisance to some people on the one hand and on the other, a comfort to others.

Most residential areas have their fair share of problems to have to deal with.

The additional irritation of a number of dogs that are barking for long periods of time can be a real problem.

Sound Travels

barking dogsWhen you live in an enclose street, or in a small estate where building face onto each other, the sound of dogs barking can echo around the place and amplify to levels that can be annoying.

This is especially so to those people who are not dog lovers (yes, such an entity exists amongst us real humans)! Some people manage to ignore the sound to a certain degree by allowing it to fade into the general background noise that seems to be commonplace in many residential areas.

If it's particularly upsetting, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot you can do about it without taking drastic (and what would end up being hugely unpopular) action. So how can the problem be minimised or at least restricted so that its not going on all day?

As you know, when one dog starts, another joins in and then another until you have a cacophony of barks, yaps, howls and growls all going on at once! As one dog stops, a new one starts so this can go on for a while!

Keeping Dogs Indoors

To minimise the problem if it's your dog, you could try keeping the dog indoors when you're not at home.

I know that is probably what most responsible dog owners would do anyway, but there are some who leave their dogs in the back yard or garden while they're out. Why they should want to do this is not always so obvious.

After all, surely they'd want their home's best chance of warding off a potential house breaking burglar to be inside where he'll do the most good and not outside where he is ineffective!

But then some people simply don't think along those lines. That is until they're broken into and their dog is barking his head off out in the yard where the burglar, from an upstairs window is giving it the finger as he rifles through your stuff.

Of course, a barking dog is supposed to deter a burglar from entering your property at all and it's generally true. However, when there are several dogs barking away at once and they're all outside, people get immune to the noise and ignore the warning that one of those poor dogs is desperately trying to give.

Do you still want to keep your dog outside?

Keeping Your Home Safe

A dog that stays inside the house is much more effective as an anti-burglar device.

That's because no self respecting burglar is keep to go head to head with the jaws of a snarling, angry dog, especially if its a big one! Any burglar faced with a house containing a dog will usually skip it and go next door (to the house who's owner thinks its better to keep the dog chained up in the back yard).

With nothing in the house to give him any trouble, your average burglar is going to get inside without very much trouble. Once in there, he'll likely trash your home, steal what he can, smash up what he can't and probably throw the contents of your fridge at the dog through the kitchen window just to show he's probably a bigger dog lover than you are!


So, next time you're being driven mad by the local dog chorus, spare a thought for why they're all barking.

Maybe, just maybe one of your neighbours is being burgled while you're cursing at his dog for making so much noise. Of course, if you spot one back yard dog who suddenly stops barking and starts eating, you may just have discovered the culprit and where it all started from!


Posted on 20 Oct 2009 in Dog Behaviour | 0 Comments
Last Updated on 20 July 2024

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