Walking a Dog Without a Leash: What Could Go Wrong?

This article is all about the potential dangers of walking a dog without a leash anywhere that might place that dog's life at risk or cause anxiety to other people.

I have my own opinions when it comes to the way some people treat their dogs, be it with love and kindness or with arrogance and neglect. And those who don't know the difference.

walking a dog without a leashFor all the PC brigade who were ready to jump on this because they think that this was going to be a post about how a dog not on a leash might be a danger to people, sorry to disappoint.

When I see an owner walking along the street with an apparently obedient dog trotting alongside without a leash I feel they need to be educated on the potential folly of their arrogance.

Look After Your Dog

Never mind the danger to people. That's for another post. This one is purely about the danger to the dog!

This is something plenty of people just don't think of because they're so wrapped up in the current trend of being scared shitless whenever they see a dog because they immediately think its going to bite them or their kids. The reality is that it happens less often than the media hype is out to make you believe, but as I said, that's a topic for another post.

Back to the dog's safety for a minute. Here's a thing that maybe you might not be aware of. Or you probably do, but anyone who walks a dog without a leash in a street obviously does not.

What is a Car or a Truck to a Dog?

That is a dog does not understand what a car or a truck is. Shall I repeat that for anyone who may think otherwise?

A dog does not understand what a two ton hunk of moving metal is!

A dog does not understand that if it sees another dog on the other side of the street and runs across to say hi and a car or truck happens to intercept it that it will be seriously injured or could die. We humans know this, but a dog does not.

A dog cannot comprehend that a large, heavy piece of metal cruising along the street weighing over a ton and travelling at even a moderate speed is a potentially lethal object. One that can maim or kill it.

Assumed Obedience

To all those supposed dog lovers who think they are loving and kind to their dogs and believe that their dogs are so obedient that they will never in a million years run in front of a car.

I can't believe you could be so arrogant beyond belief and you will likely get your dog killed and than you will get mad and blame the car/truck driver. If you're American, that will likely result in litigation because you guys love to get your lawyers involved wherever you can.

Of you might blame the local authority for not putting up a fence or blame the guy across the street who is innocently walking his dog (who, incidentally IS on a leash and is still alive).

You can blame everyone but yourself because you cannot comprehend that your dog just did that. Why? Because he's never done that before?

I find it incredible how it can be almost impossible to get through to such people.

I come across them every day and when I open my mouth and mention that they should really have their dog on a leash for its own safety I get reactions ranging from total apathy to, "its not a dangerous breed" right up to incensed rage that how dare I presume to tell them how to walk their damn dog!

Well how dare they be so arrogant and so moronic to believe that they know what is best for their dog?

No one can predict what a dog will do in a certain situation. Even the best trained police dogs will have an unpredictable moment every now and again.

Dogs are dogs, they're not humans and they don't think like us.


The sooner people wake up to that fact, the better I'll feel when I take mine for their walk, suitably tethered I might add.

There are too many dogs injured or killed by cars when it could have been so easily prevented by a short length of chain or leather and an attitude of sensibility and understanding.

Dog owners, it doesn't matter how well trained you believe your dog to be. Just one moment of disobedience could be its last. Keep your dog safe and keep it on a leash in public.

I somehow doubt if anyone will take a whole load of notice of this stance, at least not anyone who is willing to make a difference. Those that will never listen probably wouldn't be reading this anyway.


Posted on 19 June 2009 in Dog Behaviour | 3 Comments
Last Updated on 20 July 2024

3 thoughts on "Walking a Dog Without a Leash: What Could Go Wrong?"

Tessa says:
11 April 2011

You are seriously under estimating how well a dog can be trained. Seems like you are just calling people names. The fact you wrote all of this to bash on others takes away any credibilty you may have. You are biased and arent even sticking to the facts. Keep your vulgarity to yourself.If they trained their dog, or got it trained, and there are not any leash laws where they are, then it is none of your business. Mind your own dogs an let others take care of theirs.

Terry says:
12 April 2011

Tessa, I'm not underestimating how dead or seriously injured a dog can be if it runs under a moving car. If you think it can't happen, you need to get out more. I've watched it happen with my own two eyes to a totally bewildered owner who couldn't believe their "well trained" dog could do that.

Maybe you think its okay to walk a dog without a leash - law or no law. Until it happens to your dog, or a dog owned by someone you know, you cannot realistically appreciate what it's like when it happens.

So don't come to my site and tell me what I can and cannot write. I write what I see and know about, which makes me perfectly credible. You're the one with the opinion problem.

Nate says:
25 September 2011

Lol My dog walks with more care (without a leash) than people do.