Hot Dogs

Despite the semi-humorous play on words of the title of this post about hot dogs, I'm turning my attention to a serious side to owning a dog in a hot country.

But first a little background.

Here in Spain as in the rest of the northern hemisphere we are currently (at the time pf posting) in the hottest period of the summer.

Temperatures during the hottest part of the day, between 2pm and 5pm can soar up to the high 30s Centigrade and beyond.

However, that's the temperature outside, in the sun.

Hot Car Interiors

dog in carPeople park their cars in the sun and you can bet it gets a lot hotter inside them than it is outside.

Recently, the news headlines screamed at the tragic incident of a little boy of about 2 years old that was left in a car, parked in the sun, by his father who went off to the bank and thought he'd only be a short time. Well, two hours later he returned to the car and found his son dead from the heat.

This is tragic and so sad because it could so easily have been avoided had the father of that boy had enough brain cells floating around in his empty head to understand the implications of his actions. This incident could and should be discussed and investigated at length so that it doesn't happen again.

But this is not a site about children, but dogs.

Dogs in Parked Cars

This leads me on to a related scenario that is less well reported but every bit as tragic as that of the little boy who lost his life above.

These are the incidents when dog owners leave their dogs in their cars parked in the sun. Off they go to do their shopping or visit friends or whatever without the slightest regard for the suffering they inflict on their loyal pets.

They lock them in with the windows closed and no water to drink and expect them to be there wagging their happy little tails when they return.

The sad and tragic reality is that these ignorant and stupid pet owners subsequently return to their cars to find their so called best friends dead from heat exhaustion. Partially cooked in the back seat of their metal tombs.

This is a wake up call to anyone who thinks it is OK to lock a dog in a car in the heat and go away for more than even a few minutes.

If there is no choice and you must leave your dog in your car, at least leave the windows open enough so that some fresh air can pass through. Leave a sturdy bowl with water in a place the dog will not easily knock it over.

If you have any shading devices like the reflective silver sheets you can buy cheaply in auto stores, put them up in the front and rear windscreens. Even then, make sure you either make your absence short or return to the car often to make sure your dog is safe and not too hot.

Also be aware if your dog suffers from any kind of dog allergy that he has had the medication for the day and any other health issue that may be pertinent, especially for dogs in hot countries.


There are times when it may seem unavoidable to take your dog with you in the car.

In most cases, you will have the option to take him with you on a leash when you leave the car parked. If not, then be sure you will never leave him in there for long and leave windows open for air and water to drink.

But preferably, if you know beforehand that it will not be possible to take your dog with you when you leave your car, leave him at home for heaven's sake and don't risk his life so foolishly.


Posted on 31 July 2008 in Dog Health | 5 Comments
Last Updated on 28 July 2024

5 thoughts on "Hot Dogs"

Tim says:
7 Aug 2008

You are so right about this. What would possess someone to make them thoughtless and cruel enough to leave any dog or child to cook alive?

Terry says:
7 Aug 2008

Hey Tim, I'm just amazed at the fact that not more people have commented on this - maybe there are too many guilty dog owners out there who have done this!

Liudmila says:
13 Aug 2008

Finally I learned to click adds on the blogs. :)))

Unfortunatelly it happens relatively often, these things. But there are other side. There are persons in the parking places that go round and make you pay if they see an animal in the car.

We can never have heads on the right place.

Terry says:
13 Aug 2008

I think that can only be a good thing.

Better to pay someone with money for being stupid and ignorant in the first place than having to pay with the animal's life later.

AshleyA says:
23 Aug 2008

Ever since i bought my first dog for 500$ Dollars I am so against any cruelity to a dog. Even before that i was but now that i have my little Kiki i know how sad it is. I dont want anything to ever happen to her. She is a minature doberman. and she is my life